Brainstorming Team at the morning session


Still designing in a NW business focused hot shop.

We have been a hot shop for designs of all kinds in the commercial and light manufacturing sectors since the internet was the wild west.

Over the last 25 years, we have worked more in the digital world than the physical world designing solutions for small businesses, artists, artisans, writers, travelers, galleries, and solo-preneurs.

Designer at the laptop

Our history has included:


  • Industrial high temperature insulations over 2300 degrees
  • Commercial insulations to 1200 degrees
  • Custom commercial skylight & canopy designs
  • Custom Skywalls, as large as 176 feet long
  • Security glazing for cash cages, hospitals, & prisons
  • Municipal acoustical solutions
  • Federal acoustical solutions


  • Multiple websites for small service businesses
  • Solo entrepreneur sites
  • Landing site pages
  • Artisans and craftsmen product sites
  • Retail art gallery sites
  • Solo artists & hot new band sites
  • CV sites for graduate students